Suggested ltineraries

Welcome to suggested itinerary we bring to you to see the most beautiful temple in Angkor Cambodia,Cambodia is a country of immense cultural and historical contrasts. The ancient Khmer Empire ruled much of Southeast Asia for centuries and gave Angkor to the world.

One Day Tour ( Bayon, Ta Phrom and Angkor Wat temple )

In the morning: we start our visit at Angkor Thom , South Gate of Angkor Thom, Bayon Temple , Baphoun, Leper King, Terrance of Elephant then Ta Phrom In the afternoon: we start again for Angkor Wat then Sunset on Bakheng hill.
angkor wat 22
Two Day Tours

Day 1 (Bayon temple and Ta Phrom)
In the morning we start our visit at Bantey kdei, Slas Srong, Takeo and Ta phrom temple. After the morning we head back to the city for lunch.
In the afternoon: start again for South Gate of A
ngkor Thom, Bayon Temple, Baphoun, Leper King Terrace, Terrace of Elephants.then sun set on Phnom Bakheng.
Day 2 ( Phreas Khan and Angkor Wat )
Morning  : We start to see the temples on grand circuit includes Phreas Khan, Neak Pean, Ta som,East Mebon.
Afternoon : we spend the rest of our day to visit the most famous temple Angkor Wat.

Ta prhrom2

Three Day Tours
Day 1 (Bayon temple and Ta Phrom)
In the morning we start our visit at Bantey kdei, Slas Srong, Takeo and Ta phrom temple.     After the morning we head back to the city for lunch.
In the afternoon: start again for South Gate of Angkor Thom, Bayon Temple, Baphoun, Leper King Terrace, Terrace
of Elephants.then sun set on Phnom Bakheng.
Day 2 ( Phreas Khan and Angkor Wat )
Morning  tour: We start to see the temples on grand circuit includes Phreas Khan, Neak Pean, Ta som,East Mebon.Afternoon tour we spend the rest of our day to visit the most famous temple Angkor Wat.
Day 3 (Kbal Spean and Bantey Srei temple)
Morning: Kbal Spean( river of thousand lingas) the mountain that we have to walk for an hour for each way.  Magnificent Banteay Srei Temple, the “Jewel among the Angkor Temples”. and then Pre Rup temple.

Bantey sreii

Four Day Tours

Day 1 (Bayon temple and Ta Phrom)
In the morning we start our visit at Bantey kdei, Slas Srong, Takeo and Ta phrom temple.     After the morning we head back to the city for lunch.
In the afternoon: start again for South Gate of Angkor Thom, Bayon Temple, Baphoun, Leper King Ter
race, Terrace of Elephants.then sun set on Phnom Bakheng.
Day 2 ( Phreas Khan and Angkor Wat )
Morning  tour: We start to see the temples on grand circuit includes Phreas Khan, Neak Pean, Ta som,East Mebon.Afternoon tour we spend the rest of our day to visit the most famous temple Angkor Wat.
Day 3 (Kbal Spean and B
antey Srei temple)

Morning: Kbal Spean( river of thousand lingas) the mountain that we have to walk for an hour for each way.  Magnificent Banteay Srei Temple, the “Jewel among the Angkor Temples”. and then Pre Rup temple.

Day 4 (Beng Mealea and Floating village) (70km to Beng Mealea)
Morning : Beng Mealea Temple which Sprawling jungle temple covering over one square kilometer. Constructed in a distinctly Angkor Wat Style under the Same King that built Angkor Wat, Beng Mealea  may have served as a prototype sorts for Angkor Wat. afternoon : floating village where we would see the daily life of Cambodian people especially fisher life, floating school, floating houses, floating basket ball and see the biggest lake in southeast Asia.

Beng mealeaa

The thing that you must see can not miss is  Banteay Srei, Kbal Spean, Kulen Mountain (75 km away from the city), Beng Melea (80 km away from the city), Floating village…… This sight can be easily reached by a nice trip through rural Cambodia via taxi, depending on how much money visitors wish to pay.

Bantey Srei Temple :
It is located far from Angkor site and about 32 kilometers to the North of Siem Reap town near Phnom Kulen. It takes around 1 hour to reach it and 30 minutes at least to finish your visit. Banteay Srei, ‘Citadel of women’ was built by a Brahman priest or Guru ‘Yajnavaraha’ during the reign of King Rajendravarman II (944-967) and Jayavarman V (968-1001) in a small city call ‘Isvarapura’.

Beng Mealea Temple : Beng Mealea, an Angkorian temple located approximately 80 km from Cambodia’s Siem Reap, is the place to visit if you want to feel like an explorer. Here, the jungle and the ruins are one. The encroaching plants make Ta Prohm look like a well-manicured garden. Because of the temple’s distance from Siem Reap, it sees considerably less tourist traffic than the other temples in the region. For the kind of peace available in this huge, overgrown temple, the long ride is well worth the trip.

Kbal  Spean : Kbal Spean’ is a natural bridge which has given its name to the river it crosses and to the sacred site established along the river for more than a millenium. The majority of Kbal Spean’s archaeological vestiges date to the 11th to 13th centuries. From just above the natural bridge to the north, down to the waterfall below, the Kbal Spean river bed is covered with sculptures of lingas, the symbol of the God Shiva’s supreme essence. Some of the lingas are on pedestals in the form of their female counterpart, the yoni. The river banks, along with basins carved deep into the river bed, are likewise sculpted with a variety of scenes, symbols and inscriptions. The most recurrent theme depicted is the recreation of the world fallen into chaos. The God Vishnu reclines on the ocean in meditation, absorbing the watery chaos below; from his navel there grows a lotus flower bearing the Recreator, Brahma. Flowing past and over these reliefs, the water is sanctified before branching off to form the Siem Reap and Puok rivers which continue south onto the plain and through the temple complexes of Angkor to the Tonle Sap lake.

Floating village :  Strongly recommended

floating villagess

Chong Khneas is the floating village at the edge of the lake closest and most accessible to Siem Reap. If you want a relatively quick and easy look at the Tonle Sap, boat tours of Chong Khneas are available, departing from the Chong Khneas boat docks all day long. Take a Car the 11-15km from Siem Reap to the boat docks where there are always boats waiting for passengers. A two-hour boat trip through the floating village runs $15 each person. The boatman will probably point out the differing Khmer and Vietnamese floating households and the floating markets, clinics, schools and other boatloads of tourists. Chong Khneas, while interesting, is over-touristed and is not as picturesque and ‘unspoiled’ as floating villages further from Siem Reap. The boat trip usually includes two stops: one at a touristy floating ‘fish and bird exhibition’ with a souvenir and snack shop, and the other at the very highly recommended Gecko Environment Centre, which offers displays and information introducing the ecology and biodiversity of the lake area.